By now I’m sure you have all heard of Coronavirus, if not….
What is COVID-19
It is an illness that can affect your lungs and airways. It caused by the virus called coronavirus
What are the symptoms
Dry cough not a flemy cough
A high temperature
A shortness of breath
Swollen glands
Aching muscles
Sleeping a lot
These symptoms do not mean that you have covid-19 as they are similar to a common cold. Call 111 and speak to a professional
If you think you have coronavirus
111 will tell you to self isolate
Let family and friends know that you are self isolating. Do not leave the house
Even to go for a walk you never know who u might bump in to.
Try to keep a 6 feet 1.82 meters from people you live with particularly older people or those with long term conditions.
Ask friends and family to deliver you food and medicines. Avoid contact with them, ask them to leave it at the front door and wait for them to leave before opening the door.
Sleep alone
Wash your hands regularly for at least 20 secs
Keep hydrated, drink plenty of water, take painkillers such as paracetamol and ibuprofen.

Steps we are taking in the salon
Each of our styling section has on it detol sanitising spray, pestrcide spay, tissues and hand sanitisers.
We are sterilising all the hard surfaces with this all in 1 spray that kills 99.9% of bacteria and virus. We use this in all hard surfaces including chairs before all and after every clients
We have brought in extra gowns. Every gown is washed and dried between clients.
Each and every brush comb and Clip is sanitised after every use
Tissues if you no need to sneeze we have tissues for your convince. Please catch it in a tissue wash your hand then sanitise them.
Your coat is taken and a placed in a coat coveR and disposed of every every coat. Not the most environmentally friendly but we are committed to keeping you safe when in the salon
Hand sanitiser
We have hand sanitiser for your convince and all of our staff wash hand sanitise before and after every client.
We have secured an order of 300 units of hand sanitiser any of our lovely clients who have not managed to get their hands on one let us know and we can save you one.
All of our chairs are over a meter a part keeping you safe from others
We accept card if you wish not to use cash that’s fine the card machine id disinfectant after every use
Magazine We normally have a large stock of these. We have decoded to take these away as this could pass on potential germs.

Shop local
During the pandemic support your local business before the county goes on lock down and when we have to stay at home. Support your local independent shops such as your hairdressers, beauty salon, florist, coffee shop, green grocer, butcher etc.
We want to keep our independent shops the big supermarkets can take the hit beside everyone is rushing to the big supermarkets panic buying lining their pockets to see them from the potential two weeks closer of business. We need to support local small business to give them the chance to survive this. Its will be hard for a small business to ride this lets all please do what we can to help none of us want more empty shops on the high street.
Toilet roll
Toilet roll is made and produced in the uk. UK Producers have stepped up production there will not be a shortage of toilet roll. Buy what you need. Give others the chance to get some.
How will you cope if the whole country have to self isolate at home.
The whole country will be in the same position so use the time wisely.
Plan some jobs that you have being meaning to do for a while. Whether that is decorate that spare bed room clean the loft out. Make your you have the tools to do the job ie paint.
Let’s stick together look after our neighbours and shop local.